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Is A House A Good Investment?
From 1900 - 2012 house prices increased 3.1% annually while inflation averaged 3%(1). Historically, housing has appreciated just about...
Should I Pay Off My Mortgage?
The point at which debt interest rate exceeds after tax investment return is the point at which good debt turns to bad debt. While after...
Should I Max Out My 401K?
With a goal of maximizing after tax returns, does it make sense to invest the maximum amount in a 401K or take this money after tax and...
Dollar Cost Averaging
Dollar cost averaging is a method of purchasing individual assets or a portfolio of assets that uses fixed dollar amounts at regular...
The Importance Of Alternative Assets
Alternative assets are assets other than stocks, bonds and cash or cash equivalents. These assets include commodities, real estate and...
Building A Simple Portfolio
With the asset universe identified along with investment goals, risk profile and time horizon are defined, the next step is to construct...
Momentum is Real
The best estimate of an asset's near term future return is its recent past return. An alternative way of saying this is that bull and...
Tactical Asset Allocation
Tactically allocated portfolios adjust the allocation to the assets in a way that seeks to improve upon the risk-adjusted returns of...
How Often Should You Rebalance Your Portfolio?
Periodically rebalancing your portfolio boosts overall return by selling temporarily outperforming assets and reinvesting into...
Lower Your Risk
If 100% of your portfolio was invested in the S&P 500 you would have expected to experience a loss greater than -7.8% (two standard...
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